Haa..according to the title.
Anything that in this post shouldn't be known by anyone.
It can be considered ad "private things"
However, since I've been tagged to do it, I'll do it.
What it is all about??
It's about everything in your wallet.
Ayuni la nie yg tag..tp xpe laa..at least ada gk bnde nk wat..hahaa..
You wanna know what's inside my wallet??
Lets go..we discover~~~This is my wallet...buruk kn??hahaha...dh lme pon pki wallet nie..bli pon murah je...mcm yuni gk...klu spe2 nk kasi adiah wallet for my coming birthday...it's the most welcome... ^_^
Okay, msti korg tertanya2 mna kad pengenalan laa...lesen2 laa..haa...aku x ltak dlm dompet...tp aku ltak dlm bnda nie...
p/s: Nk tag spe ek??tanak laa...klu spe rs2 nk wat...wat laa...klu tag nnt..mmcm paksa plak...
nnt na beli kasut na pinjm kad walk-in! ley dpt discount! ley eh? eh? hehe
nyway awat gmba ic tu p cover? sure comey sgt gmba ic hg tu.haha.
nyway thanks 4 doing da tagging! XD
ayuni: ermm..boley je..tp aku tatau la keahlian aku still aktif ke tak...haha...
mne de cover...btol la tue...aku dpt2 gmba dier cmtue...ahaks...
ur most welcome.. ^_^
comel gle hg masa form1.hahah
oh nanan! : ye ker??tima kaseh la yer...ssh2 jer puji..hahaa... :P
ya Allah oney..byk sunggoh brg dlm wallet ko.hehhe
ak igt ak nye da cuk0p bnyk..rupe nye ko lg byk..bgs2..hee;)
Atiqah Alluru: byk ke??hehee...bley thn laa..tue naseb baek segala kad diasingkan..klu x..mau kembong wallet aku tue...hahaa...
aku tgk.dan aku tgk.dan aku trus tgk.
aku lihat.dan aku lihat.dan aku terus lihat.
aku dapati.dan aku dapati.dan aku trus dapati.
bahawa dia ni memang sgt layaklah jadi rumate aku sem dpn(encem gmbo 2)
+gmbo waktu muda2 dlu.huhu...
mazhad: thanx for the compliment... ^_^
n another thanx for the acceptance...hahaa...
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