When the has come..
It will appear...
Every month..it will be there...
It will shine all the universe at night..
but..with the help of Sun of course..hehe..
The moon is really beautiful..
So..I've decided to capture this moment..
Enjoy it... :)
It will appear...
Every month..it will be there...
It will shine all the universe at night..
but..with the help of Sun of course..hehe..
The moon is really beautiful..
So..I've decided to capture this moment..
Enjoy it... :)
Nway...Thanx to Mr. Google n Weng for the help n get the right setting...
p/s: Ayuni..ble lg nk shoot bulan??hehee... :P
wahaha.ingat na try snap td.lupe lak. :P
next month ah try! tu pun kalo reti.huhu
nice one bro!
Ayuni: Cube je..tp..kne ada zoom lens...at least 55-200 ke...x pon 75-300 ke..hehehe... :P
Weng: Thanx bro~
wahhh..bulan tu hasil penangkapan kamera ko eh oney??
ishh,ni yg buatkn ak xsabar nak gune slr gak ni..
nak j0in2 korg gak..heheh
aku tgk bulan 2 kan...ingt muka aku...berkawah lah.arghh...sadis...huhu...anyway, sy da tgk post ini sbelum neyh. cuma x komen. ni dtg balik coment.
p.s; kagum dgn oleh buat read more kt bawah sebb aku xpnah nk reti buat walo dah bertahun2 bloggin.haha...
mazhad: trima kasih krn dtg semula utk mengomen...really appreciate it..hehe..
nway...x dak la nmpk sgt muka hg cm kawah bulan tue...ada sket ja pon parut2 jerawat tue...nsem ja lg...x lari aih awek... :P
p/s/s: kagum??nk aku ajar wat kn?? :)
Tikah: yurp2...dr kamera aku ler tue...hehee..
Nk join??meh2...lets join da club..moh kte meramaikan umat slr...hehee... :)
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