Yurp..today I would like to post something that related to lust...
Yer la..di bulan Ramadhan nie...
Nafsu membuak2 plak...
Padahal..sepatutnya...nafsu itu dapat disekat di kala bulan puasa nie...
Whoever the person is...he or she has lust...
that always drive someone to do anything...
Yer laa..manusia kan...
memang la mempunyai nafsu kan??
And it goes the same with me...
I crave for something...
Maybe not something...but many things...
I can't control the feeling of having all those things...
I really2 need them now...
I wish that I could get them...
I have to make sure that they are in my hands...
but first...I have to ask myself...
Am I capable to own them??
Am I suitable to carry them??
Am I really need them??
Am I really thing that they are important??
I dunno...
I can't answer those questions...
Maybe..it's just the lust that crave for so many things...
I dunno...
In future...or somedays...
I could manage to get them...
Who are they??
Here they are:-The first one is the vertical grip...for my Susie...She's waiting for me to buy her this one...
I needed a sign.
5 years ago
i owned 50mm b4...haaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....
Fishy21: yerp...it WAS urs before...but now..it's gone into the air...hahaa..
Bagusnye nafsu macam ni...hihi
Syam: hik hik hik...klu byk duet...mmg terlampias la nafsu2 nie...hehee...
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