After quite some day this blog has not been updated...
Today I feel like I want to write something..
Tonight..all of family..went out for dinner...
The place that we went for dinner is called 'Atas Bukit'
The actual name for that place is Anisani Village Resort...
It is a resort actually..and there's of course a restaurant there...
so..we decided to go there as I've never been there before...
It just take about 20-25 minutes from my house..not so far...
Tp perjalanan nk ke sana agk menyeramkan (waktu mlm laa)...sbb kiri kanan hanyalah pokok-pokok kelapa sawit...lampu2 jln pon sket2 je ada...
The menu for tonight is:
*Siakap 3 rasa
*Sup tulang
*Telur dadar
*Kailan ikan masin
It's simple rite??
hurm..the food is delicious...
ok laa...berbaloi gk laa..
dan harganya pon bley dikatakan berbaloi laa...
For every Saturday's night, there will be a live band performance in the restaurant..
Mlm nie pny ok la jgk...pitching lari sket2 tue..besa laa...hahaa...
Here I put some pictures that I've snapped there.. :)The view of the restaurant from the outside...
I needed a sign.
5 years ago
aku tau restaurant nih!
kat ats bukit kn?
ayh aku pernah bwk kitorg g mkn kat situ..
besh gak..hehe=)
K~UN: haah...kt atas bukit...ok la tpt die...mkn pon best...hehee...
woh.sedap2.mst hg mkn bykkn.huhu
Ayuni: mna da...aku mkn sket ja...aku kn diet...waahh~~(diet la sgt) hahaa...
cam best jek...
btw, nice photography.
chris@dotagaki: yeah~~it's gk laa..
thanx dude... :D
20~25 mins tak lame ???
i can go to other
fishy21: ok wat...xde la lme sgt...
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