After I've got some request from the other fella..
here I put some pictures here in UUM...
Actually bukan tanak amek gmba...
tp asal nk kuar je...
ujan laa...cuaca x bpe nk elok laaa...
nie pon agk2 mendung n kuar gk g shoot some photos...
And also included the activities that I've attended here...
Enjoy it~~Dewan Muadzam Shah (dewan MAS)..the main hall in UUM...
Laman yg cantik dan terbentang luas...
I needed a sign.
5 years ago
nice shots laa oney...
nampak mcm kat oversea dowh...
hakim_shasha: thanx hakim...
ermm..bley la klu nk blagak cm oversea...klu org tny dok U mne...ckp je Northern University....dgr cm oversea sket...hehehe...
oney! bile na amik ak jd model hg ni.huh~
Ayuni: aku skng nie bz sket laaa...
x sempat nk amek gmbr sgt pon....
onney,aku pon nk gak jadi model...huahuahua...nice pictures...keep it up!!!
xpon ckp la universiti selatan thai.. luar negara gak tu huhu
nik: ok jer...moh r... :) thanx2...
lancelot: ermm...tnk la gne nme negara org...hehee..
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