Remember my previous entry about a bike??
That's about my friend's bike...(klu x igt...pegi la cr blk kt yg lpas2...hehe)
This time is about my bike...not really my bike...but.My Father's bike...
He just bought a new bike...
It it Modenas GT is orange in colour...
As for me..this bike is not so bad...
There are some features that really amazed me...
# The alarm system is installed already...
# Has the disc brake for both in front and at the back
# Has a beautiful panel view...(btol ke neh)
# Has a quite steady body and shape...
waktu try bwk cam best gk laa...steady laa...even motor nie bkan aku kra bley bwk gk la klu ada kt umah...utk aku??motor biru yg dok bwk slalu tuh laa...jd laa...dr xde
Bersyukurlah dgn apa yg ada...
As usual...dikepilkan beberapa gambar yg sempat di'snap' td....Here there are...the new bike...Orange in colour...
I needed a sign.
5 years ago
fuiyoo.nice bike bro~'s very2 nice...bli laa...hahaa...
amboi.byk duet.ak tgk sengkek skrg ni.mnunggu hrpan elaun akn msuk cuti ni.adakah kmungkinan dsitu? huhu.
ayuni:hahaa...tatau la msuk ke tak elaun tyme cuti nie...hrp2 la msuk awal...hahaa...
nice bike oney..rempit p uum laa..
hakim_shasha:'s nice...but..that's not mine...klu aku nye...mmg UUM r...haha...
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