Today...went to Padang Broom...
Played paintball with some of my friends...
we're all boys...there're 19 of us..20 actually (including Pezilah)
we were divided into 4 small groups...
my team mates was Bezek..Oper n Mirul...there're 4 of us...other group were 5 members each..
it's ok...we're strong enough...hehee... a result...we'd won 3 match n 1 lost....ok what...with 4 members...we could win 3 out of 4 games... :)
congratz to all my team mates...
nway..we'd very much fun during the game...
n also...not to forget...
THE PAIN....arggghh....I got 2 shots on my body...(purposely got shot by weng)
klu x...mmg x kna tembak hebat kn...hakhakhak...
hopefully we could manage to play paintball next tyme...Here is our team...from left..Me..Mierole..Opper...Bezek...
Kudos to Ivan for becoming the photographer...
eee geli tgk kesan kena paintball.. yeks
ieraLEE:geli???hahaha...saket tau kne tmbk...
xgtaw pon kesan tembakan sape...
"weng jahat!!!!"
fLaTron_mINd:eh...dh tulih per dlm entri...shot by weng..ish3...
wei..lain kali ajak la aku wei...dh lama tak main ni...
p/s:lain kali pakai la baju tebal...baru tak teruk mcm tu
me n myself:tak adventure r pki bj tebal2...saket tuh r yg wat jd lg menawek...hahaa...
hehe macam part badan yg lain hehe
ieraLEE:apa laen2??mne de...kt blakang laa...x caya meh dtg blk tgk...hahaa...
paintball or painball??
i choOse..........
it is soOoo much fun indeed...
cant wait for da 2nd time...
but dlm kegembiraan ada sedihnyee...
my black bracelet n my couple watch gone...wuwu~~~
hakim_shasha:yes..that's true...
it's PAINball...hahaa...
me too...can't wait to play it for another time...
feel sorry to u...
hrp2 ada hikmah la sumer nie berlaku...
mne la tau...tetbe nnt dpt Susie Loraine Ramsey ker??
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