KAGUM 2009...14-18 March 2009...
this time...I was one of the participants for the event...
memula nya...cm malas je nk masuk...
yer laa...dh la masa singkat...
nk kna prektis byk plak tuh...
ditambah ngan busy nya lagi...
Apakah yang saya sertai KAGUM taun nie??
sudah tentulah sukan
Hah???bola sepak??
Anda terkejut???saya lagi terkejut....hahaa...
No laa...
It sounds ridiculous...hahaa..
I didnt play football for Kagum...
I took part in Cultural Performance...yeaahh!! hehee...
yg x best nye...
short of time...
have to rush...
n some more have to deal with some problems..not some...but 'many problems'
finally...managed to form a group n went to Johor for the competition...
the event was good...
but not the management...
they had a very poor management...
both sides of management...
dont like it very much...
today...went back from Johor...
still tired...need to rest...
I'll put some pictures in the other post...