Today is bad day for me..why?
hahaa...sbb...arinie aku jatuh...
where??at the dewan agung...
when??this afternoon...after finished class...
went to dewan agung coz junior tesol mcq did some exhibition on traditional games...
there...played quite many games...
and for the final game...I played...Zeropoint...
for the last jump...suddenly...GEDEBUK!!I collapsed...
then...I felt something hot...It's bleeding...Arrgghhh!!!
tp..xde la saket mne pon...just berdarah je laa...huhuu...
then...I was carried to the sofa nearby...n rest...
luckily I was not fainted..
then...mdm salmah n mdm mariah came...
they asked me to go the hospital...
I dun wanna go there..."tanak pegi...tanak pegi..." aku meronta-ronta...
tp..diorg suruh pegi jugak...
n also some of my friends asked me to do so...
finally...akur jer laa...pegi jugak...
then...went to the Sg Dua Clinic...
as a 3 stiches...
kne jahit 3 jarum beb...
first time in my life kne jahit...huhuhu....
after finished all...went to have lunch at sg dua...
then went back to institute...
thanx to Paan..Jang..Nuga..Opper..Nik..Aji for accompany me to the clinic...Here is the place where I collapsed...the blood has been wiped...
I needed a sign.
5 years ago
aku pn dh lama xmain bnda alah tu.
tingin gak nk main blk mcm dlu2.
p/s; take care~
gila ahh...ada parut dh hang...
bleh dikira lelaki sejati dh ni....wahahaha
Noorlaila Mohamed Nor:sbb lme x maen la aku men...hahaa...
lazy_rasta:hahaa...lelaki sejati la sgt ok nmpk ganaz..haha..
hehe apela ko ni
ira main teng2 dengan heels pun xjatuh..
dahla xnak g hospital die nih teng2 mmg r...aku men pon x jth gk..
tnk pegi tuh mmg laa...tnk kne jahit...hahaa...
hehe...muka cute dh jd ganas..makin macho ar onney...
xmalu takut kna jahit kahkahkah
cute ker aku seblom nie??=P
hurmm...macho la sgt...
berparut abeh...
ni bru true player.kan oney?hehe.
seb bek sket je luka.uhh
Aizat:yeahh...btol2...true player..hahaa...tuh r..seb baek sket je...
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