8:08 PM


I hate you.
You are killing me.
I don't want you to be with me.
Please, go away.
I hate you.
Jealousy, you are killing me.
I don't wanna see you again.
Don't you ever dare to come to me.
Please, go away.

p/s: Good luck to all my friends who are going to present Aural-oral tomorrow.


mr.hakim said...

da macam poem da aku tgk post nih..mendalam maksud nyaa..hak3

MohdIzwan said...

hakim: hahaa..sort of laa..
mmg mendalam pon mksd nie...
sgt dlm..klu berenang utk ke dasar...x ckup satu tangki oksigen...kne naek kapal selam...hahaha..