8:08 PM


I hate you.
You are killing me.
I don't want you to be with me.
Please, go away.
I hate you.
Jealousy, you are killing me.
I don't wanna see you again.
Don't you ever dare to come to me.
Please, go away.

p/s: Good luck to all my friends who are going to present Aural-oral tomorrow.

8:07 PM

Loving You~

Do I love you?
Yes I do.
Do I love you?
Yes I do.
Do I love you?
Yes I do.
I can't love you
Because I can't
Why can't?
Because I can't [full stop]

10:35 PM


Yurp...kebelakangan nie..aku agak sibuk..banyak bnde jgk la nk kne buat..Since last month..mmg byk la bnde nk kne settle..tp alhamdulillah satu per satu hal telah diselesaikan..bermula dgn assignment aural-oral..lakonan dilakukan dlm masa yg cukup singkat..seb baek la settle jgk..tp..x tido jgk la nk siapkan keje tue...ada entri psl tue sblm nie..then..aritue pegi tambun..setelah ntah bpe kali postpone..alhamdulillah la jd jgk trip tue..Thanx to all my frens yg bertungkus lumus utk pastikan trip nie jd..Rasanya x yah la kot nk cte pjg psl trip tue..tp..apa yg nk di'highlight'kn kt sini..trip ke Tambun adalah sgt best..seriously best..klu nk tgk gmba2..bley la pegi ke blog2 rakan2 spt..ayuni..inan dan juga hakim..

Then..lpas tue ada lg assgmnt len yg perlu di'settle'kn..blk2 je dr Tambun..kne prepare utk presentation SLA keesokan harinya..seb baek dh prepare slide sblm pegi aritue..the next day tue..jd volunteer utk present..sbb rmi yg cm x bpe nk prepare..tp x sempat present pon lg..kne present the following week..dan bebanan bertambah apabila kne tuka tjk..sbb tjk dh byk org wat..aduhhh..tp xpe laa..ada smggu nk prepare..after that..there goes another work..keje2 kolej plak..ngan meeting nye..pastu ada la lg beberapa keja..lpas nie..ada lg beberapa assgmnt yg perlu disiapkan...Literature dan juga Aural-Oral..utk lit..next week kne blakon..drama presentation..preparation blom wat lg...huhuu..hrp2 everthing ok laa..

Another thing..aku telah dilanda malang..waktu kt Tambun..mlm sambut b'day bezek ngan ostat..tiba2 je flash xleh fire..Argghh!!what happened to it..aku semakin tertekan..namun..ku pendamkan perasaan itu..huhuu...blk ke UUM..aku pegi ke A.star dgn bantuan bezek..anta ke Sony Service...setelah hampir smggu hantar..arini (15.3.2010) pihak Sony call..alangkah terkezut nya aku pabila diberitau ttg kos nk baiki flash tue...lalu..aku mengambil kptsn utk tidak membaikinya...
SELAMAT TINGGAL SAYANG...Selamat Tinggal HVL-F42AM...Semoga kau selamat bersemadi di sana... :'(

p/s: berasa amat sedih dgn pemergian flash itu...huhuhuu...

p/s lg: looking forward for another gadget...(maybe...*ehem)