12:31 AM

Fast Update~

I want to have a new post..
But I dun really know what to write..
Ermm..entri sblm nie pon mcm apa ntah..
I dun think people understand and get the message..
Maybe it just me who understand the story..
Sbb cte tue aku yg reka..hehee...
My life is going to be a bit busy after this..
I've to manage some work in college..
And also at the same time..
Take part in some uni activities...
Xpe laa..itu la idop di universiti...kn??
If I were in the institute...I may not get all these opportunities...
I'm thankful for all of these...

One more thing...
everyone is talking about the allowance...
Yes..I do crave for the allowance too...
I got many things to do..
I got many plans to be fulfilled..
Xpe laa..sabar dan tabah je laa...
I just can wait n see...
Yer laa..nk boley buat apa??
Dah duet tue pon x msuk lg kt sne..
Mcm mna nk msuk kt ktrog kan??
Hurmm...just wait...
I hope that all my friends can survive this...
Jgn ada dikalangan kami yg pegi dlu dek kerana tiada wang....(nauzubillah)
Sabar yer kawan2!!!(utk aku jgk)

p/s: feel so lonely~~