7:56 PM

Money is Not Everything!!!

What can we do with money??
Actually..there's lots of things that we can do with money...
BUT..money is not everything...
money Can't buy love...
money Can't buy friends...
and many more laa..hehehe...
Ish..apeda aku dok ngarot nie...
Actually nk ckp psl nie ha...
This evening...after 'played' with my laptop I saw my phone...
There's a message from Jang...
Camnie bunyinye...
"Ney,aku br ada krdt nie, 
wei kt ada duit msk ke?
asal akaun aku ada 5rts?"
Huh??5 hundred??
I shocked!!
maybe sumone put the money into ur account?I replied...
then...I went to the bank and checked...
YES...There's 510 in my account...
Seronoknye....dpt duet...
tp..duet apa...tatau laaa...
Anyway...thanks a lot to whomever yg masukkan duet nie...
dh la tgh kering ujong2 taun nie...
Thank you...arigato... :)


ieraLEE said...

shopping r onney
turun kl

MohdIzwan said...

ieraLEE:uish...x boleh...kne jimat cermat...dh la duet tak byk...hahaha...