1:32 PM

Kelegaan sementara~

Hye semua..
Lama tidak bertemu...hehee..
Cuti tggl beberapa hari je lagi..
tp aku...cuti aku kira dh abeh laa..
Last week pegi langkawi..
Ada KPO kolej YAB..
It's fun..a lot of fun...
n tak lupa jgk meeting..yer laa..dh nme pon kursus...haha...
After blk dr Langkawi..
nk kne ready utk orientasi bebudak baru plak..
diorg akan register this coming Sunday..
YAB akan menerima kira2 700 org pelajar baru..
makin ramai la penduduk YAB..

Anyway..keje2 JPM juga banyak menanti utk sem nie..
I'Allah akan ada beberapa projek besar menanti..
Harap2 dpt la carry out all those projects..
Rasanya smpi sni dlu la kot update...
Nnt2 update lg... :)
Di sini dikepilkan beberapa gmba ketika di Langkawi..

Sian kayu nie...lonely~

Lawatan sambil membeli-belah di kilang gamat..

Di pantai~

Boy band..haha..

Hakim si photograper dan juga blogger..hehe...

Sentuhan manja terhadap ikan..

Gua Kelawar


Membeli-belah di Kedai Borong Batik..(harga berpatutan)

p/s: birthday semakin hampir...elaun pon dijangka masuk x lme lg...kwn2..ada spa2 nk bg adiah x??hahaa...
1:45 AM

A Special Dedication

This post is specially dedicated to
My beloved dad..
Mr. Abdul Rashid bin Ali..
U r great dad..
U r superb..
U r a gud leader of da family..
I love u so much..
Happy Father's Day.

9:11 PM


Arinie pegi picnic bersama ahli keluarga dan sanak sedara...
Kami pegi dengan 3 buah kereta...
Lokasinya adalah di Terong, Perak..
Tempat dier sangat best..
Air die sangat jernih..
Lagipon..x ramai org sgt yg dtg..
Tpt nie x well-known sgt..
Just org setempat je yg dtg..
Klu yg jauh2 dtg pon..
maybe sbb sdara mara diorg ada tggl di situ..
Anyway...sgt enjoy di sana..
Mandi manda..makan2..bakar ayam..bakar kerang..

Air mengalir yang sejuk~

Posing dulu...hahaa~

Tgh bakar ayam..sempat lagi~~


Si kecil yg dh x sabar nk mandi..

Dah biru bibir tue..pon nk mndi lg..


Seronok bermain..


P/s: Kawan2...nnt kalau berkesempatan...kte pegi tpt nie..Best~~

8:20 PM

It's out~

It has arisen..
After quite long time I've been waiting..
It has come..
After all..
what can I say is..
Aku bersyukur ke hadrat-Mu Ya Allah..
Thank God!!
I'm so grateful..
for what You've given to me..

Syukur Alhamdulillah..
This is the proof..

A copy of the result...knape itam2..aku pon tatau...huhuu...

p/s: next sem mcm mne plak??
1:08 AM

True Friendship

When I'm 'googling' around..
I found this article..
It really means a lot to me..
So..here I share it..
"Have you ever wondered what the real essence of the saying "A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed" is? People talk about the true value of friendship actually without knowing what it stands for. True friendship is the one, in which the individuals do not have to maintain formalities with each other.

Sharing true friendship is the situation, when the person you are talking about is counted as one among your family members, when the relation you share with him/her reaches a stage that even if you don't correspond for sometime, your friendship remains unscathed. Best friends need not meet up often to make sure that the friendship remains constant.

The trust between best friends is such that if one friend falls in trouble, the other will not think twice to help. If the bond between two friends is strong, true friends can endure even long distances. For them, geographical separation is just a part of life. It would not affect their friendship. They make it a point to stay in touch, even in the verge of being exhausted due to the drudgery of everyday life. True friendship never fades away. In fact, it grows better with time. True friendship thrives on trust, inspiration and comfort. Best friends come to know, when the other person is in trouble, merely by listening to their "Hello" over the phone. They can even understand each other's silence.

True friends don't desert each other when one is facing trouble. They would face it together and support each other, even if it is against the interests of the other person. Best friends don't analyze each other; they don't have to do so. They accept each other with their positive and negative qualities. Nothing is hidden between true friends. They know each other's strengths as well as weaknesses. One would not overpower the other. They would respect each other's individuality. In fact, they would understand the similarities and respect the differences. Best friends don't stand any outsider commenting or criticizing their friendship and they can put up a very firm resistance, if anyone does so.

True friends are not opportunists. They don't help, because they have something to gain out of it. True friendship is marked by selflessness. Best friends support even each other, even if the whole world opposes them. It is not easy getting true friends for the lifetime. If you have even one true friend, consider yourself blessed. Remember, all best friends are friends, but not all friends can be best friends. In this world of cynics and back stabbers, there are still some people who are worth being friends with. They have to be recognized and respected for being best friends, for the lifetime."

I'm totally agree with the article..
Yes..all best friends are friends..
But not all friends are best friends..
To my best friends..
Thanx for becoming one..
I really appreciate it..

p/s: It really hard to find the true friend in real life..
11:16 PM

Kek Coklat~

Arinie plan nk wat kek..
So..semlm dh kuar pegi bli bahan2 nk wat kek tersebut..
Kek yg nk wat nie ialah..
Kek Coklat...
Kek ini adalah sgt sedap..
sebab ia penuh dgn rasa coklat...hehee...
Sbb xde apa nk tulis utk entri nie..
Maka..aku pon membuat keputusan utk..
Menulis cara2 utk membuat kek tersbut dr mula smpi la habis...
Mcm mana nk buat??
Jom kita tgk~~

Nie adalah bahan2 yg diperlukan utk membuat kek nie..secawan serbuk koko..secawan gula castor..secawan susu cair...secawan mentega cair@minyak masak..setgh cawan susu pekat..1 1/4 cawan tepung gandum + 1 sudu teh serbuk penaik + 1 sudu teh soda bicarbonate (diayak)

Kemudian..cara2 membuatnya..simple je..mula2..campur susu cair..susu pekat..mentega cair..serbuk koko dan gula ke dalam periuk..dan kacau di atas api yg sederhana..bila gula dah larut..ketepikan dan sejukkan..

Langkah yg seterusnya..masukkan 3 biji telur ke dalam bekas..

Lalu dipukul sehingga kembang..nk pki speed brapa pon xpa..jnji telur tue kembang...:)

Bila dh kembang..mcm nie la rupa dia..kembang kn??

Kemudian..masukkan bahan yg dimasak td..yg kaler coklat tue..pastikan bahan tue dh sejuk..tp..klu suam2 kuku..xpe je..masukkn je..then..kacau hingga sebati..

Apabila adunan td sudah sebati..masukkan tepung yg telah diayak td..sedikit demi sedikit..dan gaul rata..masuk tepung smpi abeh..dan kacaula smpi sebati adunan tue..

Okeh..bila dh abeh mengacau..tuangkan adunan tersebut di dalam loyang..pastikan loyang tue xla besar sgt..dan x jgk terlalu kecik..kang melimpah ruah plak kek tue..n then..pastikan jgk..loyang tersebut dilapisi dgn kertas minya..supaya x melekat kek tue nnt..

Dah abeh tuang adunan masuk dlm loyang..tutup loyang tersebut dgn aluminium foil..loyang tue kna tutup supaya masa kukus nnt..air x msuk dlm loyang...beginilah rupa apabila loyang siap dibalut.. :)

Dah settle balut suma..masukkan ke dalam tempat pengukus..dan kukus selama 1 jam..bila dh cukup sejam..kluarkan loyang..dan bukak aluminium foil dan cuba try test cucuk dgn lidi..klu x melekat..masak la kek tue..rs nya..mmg cukup sejam utk kek tue masak..xkn x msk pny klu dh kukus sejam.. :)
Seterusnya..keluarkan kek dr loyang..dan sejukkan..

Bahan2 di atas adalah utk topping kek tersebut..bhn yg diperlukan..250g coklat masakan..sedikit mentega..sedikit gula (optional..klu tamau pahit sgt)dan juga chocolate rice..
Cara nk memasaknya...masukkan semua bahan ke dlm periuk..dan dimasak secara double-boiler..(bkn direct masak atas api..nnt x jd)..kemudian tuangkan ke atas kek td dan taburkan chocolate rice..Siap~~

Kek yg siap dikukus dan dibiarkan sejuk~

Kek yg siap dgn topping..klu nk sedap..masukkn dlm peti sejuk..lg sedap dan mantap rasanya..

*Terima kasih kpd Efa dan adik2 nya utk resepi nie.. :)

P/s: sesapa nk wat tempahan utk raya..bolehlah wat tempahan mulai sekarang...hehehe...

p/s/s: masih menunggu elaun yg x kunjung tiba...sob sob sob~~

11:33 PM

Berjalan-jalan di pulau

Baru balik bercuti di sebuah pulau..di manakah destinasi pulau percutian tersebut??Pulau yg bertuah yg telah menjadi pilihan ialah..x lain x bukan..Pulau Pinang..Siapa yg belum pnah jejakkn kaki ke Pulau Pinang??Rasanya...rmi yg dh penah pegi kot..famous kot pulau tue..haha..nway..pegi sne ngan mmbe2..Mat Arep..Paap..ngan Ezat..diorg dtg jauh dr Perak utk bercuti di pulau lagenda..eh silap..pulau mutiara..pengembaraan bermula pabila mat arep, paap dan ezat smpi kt umah aku dan ambil aku..lalu gerak ke penang..di Penang, ktorg check-in di Anggerik Lodging..ok jugak tempat nie..harga pon berpatutan..klu nk tgk lbey lanjut..bley klik kt sini..then..pkl 2.30 ktorg grak ke Sg. Dua..lunch kt Pelita Nasi Kandar..lepas makan

ktorg ke BJ..main boling seround..best jgk laa..penat bergelak ketawa..keputusan..paap mng..aku dpt no 3 je..mat arep 2nd..ezat last..lpas main..pegi ke QB..jln2..then bosan..kuar pegi tepi pntai..panas2 pon redha je..lepak jgk..haha..dh dkt2 maghrib..gerak msuk dlm..then lpak kt fud court...lpas tue..tgk wyang..cte Prince of Persia..kli kedua aku tgk..lpas muvi..ktorg pegi Kassim Mustafa kt Bayan Baru..ujan lebat mengiringi kami...sangat lebat kot ujan...dh kenyang sume..gerak blk ke tpt penginapan..aktiviti seterusnya..borak2 n tido..keesokan arinye (arinie)..plan nk pegi picnic..tpt yg menjadi pilihan..Taman Rimba..aktiviti arinie disertai oleh dua org gadis..Awe dan juga Anis..smpi kt Tmn Rimba dlm pkl 10.00..lpak kt sne smpi kol 2.00 lbey..tpt tue xde la best sgt..ok2 je..personally, this place is not recommended..huhuu...lpas chow dr tmn rimba..pegi Bayan Baru..(Celcom centre) urus hal sket...then blk umah..mat arep anta menggunakan keretanya..Anyway..Thanx to all my frens yg dtg n lpak2 di Penang..at least..cuti nie berisi jgk la dgn aktiviti...thanx to Mat Arep yg sponsor sedikit sebanyak dalam aktiviti percutian nie.. :)

Bergamba dlm blk di Anggerik Lodging.. :)

Persediaan utk memasak...dh nk give up pada mulanya...at last..ada gk sinar harapan..dan kami berjaya...hahaa...

Inilah hasil nya...yummy... :)

Bergamba seblom blk..

p/s: Nnt kte wat trip lg yer.. :)
12:03 AM


Kenapalah kamu sungguh degil??Aku dh bgtau byk kli..Tp ko cm x dgr je..Bengang la jgk aku..Rs cm ckp ngan tunggul kayu plak..Ke ko nie mmg pekak??X penah dgr apa yg aku bgtau..Hurmm..apa2 pon..aku rasa laa..ko nie memang degil..dari dlu aku dok peringat..aku dok suruh..pegi..pegi..x jugak ko pegi..dok tercongok gk ko kt situ..Adoi..klu aku kte ko bengap..nnt ko mengamuk..mula la nk protes..nnt abeh sume bnde ko rs x puas ati..mula la nk wat bnde2 x elok..lpas tue..klu kne lg..lagi la nk melenting...adoi...apala nasib ku ini..

Dah2..aku dh tamau dgr apa2 alasan lagi..apa yg aku nk skrg..ko pegi dr sni..aku dh tnk tgk ko lg..aku dh muak..aku dh jemu..x kuasa lagi nk melayan karenah ko tue..ko igt ko bgos ke??ko x bgos mne pon..walopon ko ada kepentingan sket2 kt aku..tp xpe laa..aku redha..aku redha je ko pegi..lagi cepat ko pegi..lagi bgos..syukur Alhamdulillah..aku amat2 lah berharap agar, suatu ari nnt..ko pegi jgk ek..pls2..I beg to you..plz leave me..nnt2 ko nk dtg blk..xpe laa..but..at this moment..plz leave me..leave me alone..I don't need you rite now..Ok??Dah2..x perlu minta belas kasihan..aku x kesian pon kt ko..Ok..Nyah kau dari sni..Moga kta berjumpa lagi di lain masa..Bye2...

p/s: Semoga kita berjumpa lagi nnt...lg 20-30 thn lg ke..

p/s/s: bila kebosanan..mcm nie la jadinya..
1:31 PM

Tahniah! Anda bakal menjadi kaya..

Sedang menunggu elaun yang entah bila nk gugur dr langit tah...
Tetbe ada bunyi dr nset...
"Tot tot tot tot" "tot tot tot tot"
Lalu msg pon dibuka...

"Tahniah! Simcard anda memenangi wang berjumlah RM35,000 daripada SHELL. Sila hubungi XXXXXXXXXX utk mendapatkan wang anda..Hubungi segera!"
Wah...untung la aku...
tgh2 sesak gini..mng duet plak..
Btol ke nie??
Bley caya ke nie??

Mne bleh percaya bnde2 nie...
Nie sume adalah taktik menipu yg telah lama bertapak di negara kita..
Anyway..Ayuni pon pnah wat post psl nie jgk..
Bukan apa...tergerak hati utk tls post psl nie..
Semlm ada dgr kt satu stesen radio nie..
Die bercerita ttg sorg kwn die..dpt msg mcm nie laa..
Dan malangnya..si kwn tue menelefon pihak tersebut dan memberi segala maklumat yg diperlukan...
Alih-alih..duit dlm akaun bank lesap...sapa nak tanggung??
Diri sendiri la tanggung...habis licin duit dalam akaun...aduhh...
Haa..tue laa..
Pihak berkuasa pon dh berkali2 menasihati org awam agr jgn terpedaya dgn msg2 yg mcm nie..
Pihak bank pon ada bgtau yg jgn dedahkan maklumat2 terutama no akaun ke..apa ke..kpd org yg tak dikenali..
Nnt duit dh lesap..sapa yg ssh??Diri sendiri jgk yg kna tanggung...
Mintak simpang laa..
Apa2 pun..janganlah terpedaya dgn msg2 yg seumpama ini...semuanya hanyalah tipu belaka..

p/s: mcm tau2 je tgh xde duit skng nie..hahaa...