11:08 PM

Yes...I do miss you~

At this moment..
You are always in my mind..
Every minute..
Every hour..
Every day..
I can't stop missing you..
I can't let you out of my mind..
And I hope..
U'll be missing me too..

You are always in my mind..
Where ever I go..
I always remember you..
I won't forget you..
Even though we do not always be together..
You still be in my heart..
I really hope that we can always be together..
At the certain point..
I can't stand anymore..
I admit that my heart is gone..
My heart is no longer craving for you..
You are a dust in the air..
Going nowhere..n I couldn't trace..
with the very high hope..
We can meet someday..
The earlier..the better..
So that..I do not suffer anymore..
Oh Allowance...I do MISS you...
*cpat2 la msuk yer...

Bila la nk dpt rs pegang duet mcm nie lg...hurrmmm~~

p/s: Ini post terakhir utk bulan nie..semoga berjumpa lagi di bulan hadapan...
11:40 PM

Jalan-jalan cari pasal~

Hari nie agak kepenatan...
kerana apa??kerana seharian berjalan-jalan...
Berjalan2 ke mna?
Ke byk tempat la jgk...
Dari Umah ke Auto City..
Dari Auto City ke Queensbay...
Dari Queensbay ke Bayan Lepas..
Dari Bayan Lepas ke Bayan Baru..
dan dari Bayan Baru ke Umah blk...
Durasi kesemua aktiviti di atas lebih kurang selama 13 jam..
Xde la lme sgt kn??hehee..
Nway..berjalan2 ke sna ke mari diiringi bodyguard iaitu my lil bro..

Okay..perjalanan ktorg bermula dari umah dan berhenti di checkpoint pertama iaitu Auto City, Juru. Arinie ada Karnival Belia anjuran Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang..the carnival's not bad after all..ktorg smpi sne dlm pkl 10.45..awal la jgk..even x rmi sgt pon org...booth2 dh byk la jgk yg dh ready..ada mcm2 la kt sna..salah satu nya..ini laa...Booth Polis@Rakan COP...

Klu nk register rakan COP...leh r..dpt la goodies bag after the registration..Next..ada gerai2 pelbagai...kat bawah nie..booth St. John Ambulance n booth Pengakap kt seblah dier..tatau la apa yg ada..x singgah pon..hehee..

Next..ini adalah antara gerai yg mendapat kunjungan plg ramai..Booth Superbike...Aku pon x lpas peluang la g booth ni jgk...ada mcm2 bike jgk la kt booth nie..

Nie merupakan superbike yg paling mendapat perhatian ramai pengunjung...yer la..spa tamau tgk kn..Motor apa lagi kalau bukan Hayabusa...hehee...Harga dia pon leh thn laa..mau cecah ratus ribu jgk laa... :)

Aku tidak melepaskan peluang untuk mencuba menaiki Hayabusa nie..berat gk motor nie...tp rs best..n x bpa tggi sgt..

Next...aku mencuba Kawasaki Z750..best motor nie..steady je rs...kaki cm 2/3 la cecah tanah...hahaa..

Beralih kpd motor yg seterusnya..nie adalah Honda XL700V atau Honda Transalp (klu ikot kt body dia laa..)tggi gk motor nie...kaki 1/3 jer cecah tanah...ujong2 kaki je smpi...hahaa..

Yang itam nie..Honda CBR 600RR...nie pon best jgk..sng ckp..sumer best laa..hehee...

Nie pon aku naek jgk??Oh tidak..nie adalah pocket bike..comey je motor nie...sbnr nye leh naek moto nie..tp cm blom ready je lg utk digunakan waktu tue...so..amek gmba jer laa...

Kereta peronda polis di lebuhraya...Nie kt Booth Polis Diraja...klu stakat korg speeding 200km/j...kjap je kete ni kejar..sirius x tipu... :)

Mengambil peluang bergmba ngan motor polis..x dpt naek..dpt gmba pon jd laa... :)

Kira2 dlm pkl 12.00..pegi ke checkpoint seterusnya iaitu Queensbay Mall...utk yg tak tau...Queensbay Mall terletak di Pulau Pinang dan antara mall yg terbesar di negeri itu..hehee..n kebetulan la waktu kt Qb nie..ada rakaman rancangan SIR (Spell It Right)..waktu aku smpi..diorg tgh benti rehat...diorg start blk kol 2.00..n that's the final round..arinie skola rendah..esok skola menengah plak kot...

The contest is going on..rmi jgk la yg dtg tgk..

The finalist was spelling the word..she's the only girl's contestant for the final..

The judges..

Candid..comel kn bdak tue??hehee...

Lpas tgk kjap bnde tue...pegi layan movie..cte Prince of Persia...mmg best la cte tue..superb..marvelous....mmg x rugi la pegi tgk...hehee...then after movie...mkn2..n bli brg sket...pastu pegi bayan lepas...pegi lepak umah bezek jap..after maghrib..kuar pegi bayan baru...layan Tandori kt Kassim Mustafa...after that..pulang ke destinasi asal...smpi umah dlm pkl 11.00...what a tiring day...

p/s: semakin menghampiri sasaran... :)

11:40 PM

Full Moon..

When the has come..
It will appear...
Every month..it will be there...
It will shine all the universe at night..
but..with the help of Sun of course..hehe..
The moon is really beautiful..
So..I've decided to capture this moment..
Enjoy it... :)

This is the first shot...X jadi..setting x btol...huhuu..Bulan itu bulat...terang dan nyata...

Nie ok sket laa..nmpk la rupa bulan yg sebenar...

Ini jauh sket..it looks a bit tiny... :)

Another version of it...

Nway...Thanx to Mr. Google n Weng for the help n get the right setting...

p/s: Ayuni..ble lg nk shoot bulan??hehee... :P
1:21 AM

Tagged by Meah

Adoi la..knapakah aku di tag...
ko sje je kn Miha..hahaa..
Anyway..disebabkan aku xde keje..
Nak study..exam dh abeh...
Subjek next sem blom ada apa2 input lg..
So..aku dgn ringan tulangnya...jwb la tag yg ko wat nie..

Tetbe rs nk ltak gmba cm Miha jgk..(terasa poyo di situ..haha..)

1). Apa yang anda akan buat bila anda tahu member anda tikam belakang anda?
Ermm..biarkan je la kot..but..of course la akan rs sdey...tp pk jgk...sbb apa dier wat cmtue...klu mmg slah aku sndri...nk wat cmner...klu bukan slah aku...nnt jwb sndri la kt akhirat...

2). 6 orang di hati anda?
i) Mama
ii) Abah
iii) Kakak
iv) Adik
v) ........(spe nk isi kekosongan)
vi) ........(nie ada lg satu)

3). Anda rasa anda comel?
Ayoo...ssh nk jwb nie..hahaa...

4). Single or taken?
Of course single... :)

5). Blog yang anda suka?
i) Ayuni's
ii) Mazhad's
iii)Paan's (walopon jarang update)
iv) Miha's
v) Inan's
vi) Tepet's
vii)Nk lg ke??

6). adakah bilik anda kemas setiap hari?
Tidak...akan ada satu masa tue...br lah akan berkemas... :)

7). Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar?
For the Rest of My Life - Maher Zain

8). Last text message?
Tina Ipp - "Waa..oney! Tq2! Thax ;-)"

9). Last phone call?
Ntah spe tah tgh ari td..aku tgh mndi..after mndi call blk..salah no rupanya..cetz..

10). Hari terakhir anda menangis?
Tak igt ler plak...tp kt UUM la tyme tue..di dlm blk..sbb per??adalaaa..hahaa...

11). List lima color favorite anda?
Biru...Itam...Biru...Itam...Biru.... :P

12). Orang terakhir anda ber-YM?
Ayuni dan Miha

13). Game paling anda suka?
Ntah..men je apa2 game.. :)

14). Adakah anda peminat MCR?
X berapa...

15). Apa perasaan anda jawab tag ni?
Ermm..xde perasaan pon...huhuu...

16). Anda rasa tag ini best?
Ok laa..nk kta best tue...xde la sgt...

17). Tag lagi 10 orang
Sepuluh???ramai nya...aku tag sket dah laa...
Mazhad...Tepet...Awe...Chris...Syamil Bobo...Izhar Syakimi...ckp la kot...tiada paksaan...klu rs nk wat..wat...klu tnk..abaikan..hehe...

p/s: Ermm...ada x spe2 nk ajak kuar??Bosan nie...huhuu...
10:37 AM

New obsession

Bosannye la dok kt umah je..
Tiap ari benda yang sama je buat..
Bangun pagi...Kemas umah...Basuh pinggan mangkuk...masak...
Itulah rutin harianku di umah...
Everyday is almost the same...
Jadi..aku pon mencuba la utk melakukan sesuatu supaya tidak mati kebosanan di umah nie..
Nak pegi amek gmba..
Malas plak...nak plak xde view yg cantik kt sni..
Klu umah tepi pantai ke..leh gk amek gmba sunset..
Klu umah tepi sawah ke..leh gk amek gmba panorama...
Nie tak..dok di tmn perumahan...apa yg ada??
Umah2 org byk laa..hahaa...
So..aku pon terjumpa la obsesi terbaru aku tue..
Apakah ia??

Ha..inilah obsesi terbaruku... :)
Dlu nk install CS4...tp asyik corrupt je..
At last..mntk kt Syamil..n install yg nie je..
Ok laa..dr xde..kn...
Di kala kebosanan..aku pon bukak la bnde alah nie...
Belek folder2 gmba...cr gmba yg sesuai utk diedit...
Lpas tue..cr tutorial kt internet...
Senang je actually...
Tp..kekdg tue...x dpt ikot jgk tutorial yg die kasi tue...
Klu dh x dpt tue...pegi cr tutorial yg len plak...
Edit..dan edit lg..
Aku slalu mengedit gmba nie tgh2 mlm..x pon..waktu ptg...
Klu wat tyme mlm2 tue..rs tng je..sunyi...tiada gangguan...
Tumpuan 100% dpt diberikan...hehee...
Adala beberapa gmba yg diedit telah dihasilkan...
Ada antara gmba tersebut forbidden utk menjadi tatapan umum...hahaa...
Anyway...kpd rakan2...terutama utk Ayuni dan Hakim..
Marilah kita blaja mengedit gmba2...hehehe...

Nie antara hasil yg diedit...

Oil Panting..

p/s: Bila nk ada TT nie...n nk outing jgk...Jom~~
11:18 PM

The Wedding~

Went to friend's wedding...(Shaira Farhanna a.k.a Kak Tun)
The first wedding of my cohort..(TEYL Cohort 5)
Accompanied by Mohamad Aizat b. Osman
n also Mama Mariah and her sons..
Arrived at the Dewan Kamunting at 12.00 p.m.
The ceremony started at about 12.45 p.m.
The bride and bridegroom arrived at about 1.00 p.m.
Quite many of my friends turned out..
It's quite havoc...
Took pictures here and there..
Talking to each other..
All in all..
We all have fun there...hehee...
Here are some of the pictures during the ceremony...

Dua mempelai di atas pelamin

Berjalan di bawah pedang...

Berarak masuk ke dlm dewan

The bride with our beloved Mama..

Group photo di atas pentas..

Do they look cute??(sure rmi yg bantah nie.. :P)

Some of them..

"Aku lapar..jgn kacau!"

Lbey kurang pkl 3.30 ptg..semua mula beransur pulang ke destinasi masing-masing..
Ucapan buat K.tun...Selamat Pengantin Baru..
Semoga berkekalan hingga akhir hayat..harap bersabar untuk 2 thn yer... :)

p/s: kpd kengkawan yg laen2...bila lg?? :P
10:03 PM

Shrek The Final Chapter: Forever After

Today..I went to Sunway Carnival..
I went there with Jat..
We arrived there around 10 a.m. (awalkan??hahaa...)
then..we went round and round and round...
Act..Jat wanna watch Ironman..
So..That's why we were there...
But I already watched the movie..
So I decided to watch Shrek..

I bought a ticket for the movies..
It's 3D..
Today is the opening cinema for 3D in Sunway Carnival..
I'm one of the customers to watch 3D movie here..
Should be proud of it..hahaa...
Nway..the movie's awesome..
I do love the movie..
They're cute..especially the pussy in the boots...
I gave 4/5 stars for the movie...

Speck 3D baru..br kuar plastik..

p/s: nearly accident at seberang jaya..alhamdulillah..we were safe...
3:26 PM

E-comm II

What's that??
What's e-comm II??
It's a short form of English for Communication II...
I have to attend this course for a week...(8 days)
It's compulsory to all UUM students...*terms and conditions apply
So..I have to spend about 10 days in UUM...
We were all been placed in Bukit Kachi..
DPP SME Bank and also DPP Bank Rakyat...
All of C5 boys stayed in SME..
n da girl in SME as well as in Bank Rakyat...

The class started on 9th May (Sunday)
For the first few day...
It was quite bored..
As we didn't know each other..
luckily I got some of cohortmate in da same class..
My group for this e-comm is E4..and we've been placed in BKBM 2.11
The lecturer's name is Mr. Mohamed Ali..
Everyday we have to attend the class except for Friday and Saturday..
We got lots of things to do..
In-class assignment..Impromptu Speech..Listening test..Role-play
and the last day..we got final exam..
I got to know some of the class members..
We also have some of the international students in the class..
Nice to know them..
On 16th May..we made a surprise to our lecturer..
We bought him a cake..and we had somewhat a Teacher's day celebration.. :)
It was fun..it was actually the point we got to know each other...(lg 2 ari je nk abeh)
Hopefully our relationship will last forever...
E4 rawkkss...
Here are some of the pictures during the e-comm...

Wekkk... :P

They are in one group..Nabilah..Nadiah..Nabilah...Nadiah..

Some of the international students..


Break time...lpak n tido di surau YAB...


At night...playing games...

And also...reading comics...borak2...

Itu lah sedikit sebanyak aktiviti dan kenang-kenangan tyme e-comm..
Apa2 pon...e-comm adalah menyeronokkan..
Rugi spe x amek... :P

p/s: hrp2 la dpt A utk e-comm II nie...Amin~~
2:04 AM


Finally I'm Home..
I'll be back soon... :)
11:30 PM

Hang out...Shopping...Enjoy~~Shopping???

Ermm...arinie telah keluar ke Penang..
Setelah smggu lbey cuti..br arinie nk kuar...
Sdey tul..sob..sob..
Act..plan nk kuar nie dh lme..
Since mggu exam dlu lg..*lme tue
keluarlah aku pada arinie ke Pulau Mutiara..
Gerak dr umah dlm kol seploh lbey..
Efa dtg fetch kt umah..then aku drive ke Penang..
Inan pon ada sma gk..sbb dier blk umah Efa..
Apakah aktiviti yg dilakukan di Penang??
Marilah sama2 kita selami...

Tujuan utama pegi ke Penang adalah utk menonton wayang..
Nk tgk cte Iron Man 2..
Seb baek la dh bli tiket online...
Skali beratur pjg da td...ari Isnin pon rmi org jgk...
Plik2...diorg nie x keje ker??
Nway...cte tue mmg best jgk laa..
Penuh dgn aksi2 yg menarik...dan mengujakan...

Tiket wayang tersebut..

Ini adalah tripod.Kenapa aku bli lg??Bkan dh ada ke seblom nie..yer..aku bli lg..sbb per??adala sbb2 tertentu yg membuatkan aku perlu bli lg..bukan aku tamak..haloba jauh skali..nway..this tripod is just the same with the previous tripod..

Dok berjalan punya berjalan td..tetbe je melangkah masuk ke kedai Walk In..usha punya usha..skali terbeli la plak sandle nie..hahaa...harganya adalah berpatutan n xde la mhl sgt..so..tue la aku bli...tambahan pula..dpt 30% off..mne x ambik...hehee...lpas tue..aku renew kad keahlian walk in tue..dh brapa bulan keahlian x aktif...hrp2 la dpt voucher lg taun nie..bleh bli kasut plak... :)

Nway...blom pnah la aku kuar lma2 cmnie...
dkat doblas jam tue...
kuar umah kol seploh lbey..
n smpi umah td pon dh dkat2 kol seploh dh...
mmh agk pnat laa..tp xpe laa..
skali skala..bukannye slalu pong..
Bout shopping..act..xde la shopping mne pon...
bli sket je..2 brg je pon...
krenye..blom smpi thp shopping lg laaa..
Len la miha ke..ayuni ke..
klu diorg shopping...tue mmg btol2 shopping...
mau beratus2 gk abeh...opsss~~sorry.. :P
K laa...smpi di sni sja yer..smoga berjumpa lagi...

p/s: Thanx kpd semua yg hang out td..walopon pnat..tp ok laa..