1:06 AM



Your cheerful smile
Your caressing hand
It's the really simple things
That make your life look so grand

You're a special friend
It's in your eyes
I see the truth
There is no disguise

It's your spirit
Maybe your soul
But my life without you
Would feel painfully old

You've been a true friend
I hope you stay
I would be so very empty
If you ever went away

p/s: thanx for being my friend...hope we'll be friend forever...

11:02 AM

A New LIFE~~

A new life has begun...
Actually..I came back to UUM 2 days ago...
but I don't have time to update this blog...(pdhl x bpe nk rjn + broadband kne block..cis)
So..today I feel like I want to have a post for my beloved blog...

I've class for today...
just finished one class...
the class is ok...n the lecturer's also ok...
Many things are waiting after this...
- Another classes..
- Many activities...(uni level n also college level)
- n so on....
So...maybe I would be a bit busy for this sem as I've responsible for my college..
Hopefully not really busy so that I can concentrate on my studies...(chewahh~~)
Bila start sem baru nie...msti la ada mcm2 yg baru...
yg pasti...kelas baru...lecturer br..
(mgkn)...aktiviti baru...kwn2 baru..(mgkn jgk)...dan lain2 la yg baru2 jgk... :)
Nway...I'm out of idea for now...
See you later...Bubbye...

4:05 PM

New Look

I've been given a new look to my blog.
I've decided to change it because it's quite long for me that hv been used the old and lame
*sorry template.
Therefore, I've changed it to this template.
Actually, I don't have any idea to choose which template to be used here.
I've googled around for about 2-3 days to search for this.
When I've found the best template for me, it can't be downloaded.
It's disappointing me!
However, I try n try it again n again...
Finally, I found this...
My new template's name is
Either it looks smart for others or not..I don't care..
As far as I'm concern, it looks smart n beautiful for me.. :)
I think that's all for now...
Looking forward to write another post later...
C yaa...

p/s: preparing to go back to UUM...

11:56 PM

Salam Tahun Baru

Di sini..
Saya, Mohd Izwan bin Abdul Rashid ingin mengucapkan
Selamat Tahun Baru Hijrah 1431..
kpd semua rakan taulan sahabat handai dan kaum keluarga..
juga kpd semua kaum muslimin dan muslimat di seluruh dunia...
Bersama-samalah kita berhijrah kpd yg lebih baik...

9:05 PM

FEStKUM 2009 Part I

Cuti semester nie..Aku x brapa nk cuti..
Aku telah mewakili univ utk menyertai FEStKUM 2009..
FEStKUM taun nie adalah yg pertama kali diadakan...
FEStKUM 2009 start dr 9-13 Disember..
Perasmian pembukaan pada 9.12.2009 dan penutup pada 13.12.2009
Acara yg dipertandingkan pada festival ini ialah:
- Zapin
- Boria
- Klasik India ( Solo dan berkumpulan)
- Tarian Cina
- Dikir Barat
- Pantun
- Nyanyian Irama Malaysia ( Lelaki dan Perempuan)
- Muzik Akustik

UUM telah hantar semua wakil bg setiap kategori..kecuali Dikir Barat..
Aku join utk Zapin n Boria..
Di sini dilampirkan beberapa gambar ketika FEStKUM..

Group Tarian Cina dr UUM...


Nie U mne tah...x igt...

Ini dr UNIMAP...(kipas sangkut kt bunga)

Kesemua participants mlm tue...

p/s: takat nie dlu post kali nie...nnt sambong len...