Finally...I've completed the assignment...
Yeahh...I've done with ROS...
no more ROS after this...
what's next??
there are many other are waiting for me...
Inilah hasilnya....
Another pic of the front page...
Ketebalan buku tersebut....(kpd weng...jgn rsau...aku pon tebal gk...hahahaa)
p/s: I would like to thank to all the teachers in SK Baru Parit Buntar for giving me the cooperation during my all my mom n dad...and also not all my beloved friends...who involve directly or indirectly...and also...(bpe byk also daa...) to both of my partners..Bezek n Paan...thanx guys...moga2 kita dpt markah yg ok..(walopon x pegi jmpe lecturer pembimbing...hahaa...)