10:19 AM


After for quite long struggling to finish it...
Finally...I've completed the assignment...
Yeahh...I've done with ROS...
no more ROS after this...
what's next??
there are many other are waiting for me...
Inilah hasilnya....

Another pic of the front page...

Ketebalan buku tersebut....(kpd weng...jgn rsau...aku pon tebal gk...hahahaa)

p/s: I would like to thank to all the teachers in SK Baru Parit Buntar for giving me the cooperation during my ROS...to all my lecturers...my mom n dad...and also not forgotten...to all my beloved friends...who involve directly or indirectly...and also...(bpe byk also daa...) to both of my partners..Bezek n Paan...thanx guys...moga2 kita dpt markah yg ok..(walopon x pegi jmpe lecturer pembimbing...hahaa...)
2:33 PM

Konsert Diraja Jubli Perak 2009

Event: Konsert Diraja Jubli Perak 2009
Date: 25th July 2009
Time: 9.00 p.m.
Place: Dewan Muadzam Shah (dewan MAS)
Invited artists: Tomok, Izwan Pilus, Noryn aziz

Di sini dikepilkan beberapa gmbar..tetapi..gambar yg dikepilkan nie adalah gmbr di back stage..
kerana kami para performer tidak dpt duduk dlm hall after show..Cis..

1:37 PM


Sudah lama kiranya diriku ini tidak mengupdate blog nie..Nak buat macam mana..agak busy dengan kehidupan yang semakin hari semakin sibuk..macam2 benda perlu diselesaikan..itula..inila..aku ada di rumah skrg..balk hari ahad lpas..selepas UUM mengumumkan bahawa sebarang aktiviti luar dan kuliah diberhentikan selama seminggu..bermula dari 27 julai hingga 1 ogos..kuliah akan bersambung semula pada 2 ogos..kenapakah kuliah diberhentikan??kenapakah semua aktiviti luar ditangguhkan??

Seperti tajuk yg tertera di atas..kerana H1N1..sekarang negara sedang kecoh dengan kes penularan virus nie..UUM juga tidak terkecuali..jadi..pd petang ahad lepas..ramai pelajar berpusu-pusu pulang ke kampung masing-masing..menurut sumber berita..sehingga kini..sudah terdapat 3 kes kematian yg membabitkan rakyat tempatan akibat virus nie..waa..takut nye..apa2 pon..cuti nie..bukan hanya untuk berehat..terdapat beberapa tugas yg perlu dilaksanakan..yg paling penting..kerja ROS..nasib baik la dh settle..ptg semlm dh anta pegi jilid..insyaAllah hari rabu nie siap la kot..settle satu mslh..mslh len??blom jgk lg selesai..aduuhhh!!!
Nway..di harap semua rakan2 yg pulang ke kampung halaman dr UUM berada dlm keadaan sihat walafiat..yg demam selsema tue (termasuk aku)..makan la ubat..minum banyak air..basuh tangan selalu..bersin tutup mulut..sekian saja nasihat dr kementerian kesihatan...
7:20 PM

Life in UUM

After I've got some request from the other fella..
here I put some pictures here in UUM...
Actually bukan tanak amek gmba...
tp asal nk kuar je...
ujan laa...cuaca x bpe nk elok laaa...
nie pon agk2 mendung n kuar gk g shoot some photos...
And also included the activities that I've attended here...
Enjoy it~~

Dewan Muadzam Shah (dewan MAS)..the main hall in UUM...

Laman yg cantik dan terbentang luas...

In front of the Canselori...

Litar Go-kart...

The dance group from YAB...

12:43 PM

The review after two weeks~~

Dh lme x berupdate blog nie...dh berhabuk dh rse nye...
almaklum laa...agak busy lately...
Hurrmmm...so far...
life at UUM is fun...
I've found the 'interestness' in uum... :)
After a week of life in UUM...
I've joined a dancing group here...
The group here is named "Bidasari"
Dh start prektis ngan team nie...

InsyaAllah 25 ariblan nie...wat performance...Konsert Diraja bertempat di Dewan MAS
Pastue..at the same time jgk...
kne nari utk kolej...YAB...
semlm br jer abeh pertandingan yg dianjurkan oleh Muamalat...
not bad laa...dpt no 2...Group Latah Cik Kiah menang...diorg mmg hebat...
Nway...dh xde bnde dh kot nk tulis...
maybe next tyme I'll update it again...
maybe with some cool pictures...(chewah)
mmg dh lme gle x kuar amek gmba...tiada ruang kesempatan nk capture some pics...
ngan klas nye...ngan pektis nye...
tgk la nnt ble2...
akan ditempelkan jgk kot...
sekian saja utk kali nie...
10:52 AM

2+1= 21~~

I'm not doing Maths..
I don't like Maths...(but not hate it)
Anyway...today's entry is not about Maths..
It's actually about AGE...
This year..I will turn to 21 years old...
And now..I'm 21 years old already...
My birthday's on 5th Julay...(dh lpas pon)
I don't have much time on that day to post some entry...
quite busy...just register in UUM...have to settle here and there...

on that night...
I got some wishes from my friends...
Ada yg msg wish my birthday...
dan ada jgk yg call tgh2 mlm...(Sorry x bpe nk lyn...mamun t'jg dr tido...thanx nway)
then..in the morning...
ada la lagi beberapa wish from another friends...
Thank you guys....
Anyway...I turn to 21 years old already...
Am I really 21??
I don't know...
I don't know whether I'm really 21 years old...
Macam tak jer...hahaa...
Tah laa...
Maybe from certain aspect...I'm 21...
Maybe from the other aspect...I'm not...
Takpe laa..apa2 pon...
Aku dh 21...
Have to act like 21...
Have to think like 21...
Have to behave like 21...
Anyway...Thanks to all my Mom...n also my friends for the birthday wishes...
I love All of You....

A birthday Cake...(anyone wants to give me a cake??)
10:37 AM

UUM...frist impression

Aku smpi di UUM Sabtu lpas...(4julai)
then dok kt YAB...room no. 420...aras 3...tggi gk laa..
Room mate aku...Nuga...Apiz n Mirul...
seb baek la sume dh knal..
x yah nk ta'ruf2 lagi... :)
then...sampi je kt YAB nie..
at the first place...
rs mmg sgt x seronok...
kwn2 pon dok jauh2..
dh x duduk skali cm kt ciku dlu...

Nk pegi blk membe bkan men jauh la lagi..
dh la duduk bersepah...
diorg byk kt portion2 (bahagian2) lain...
xpe laa...klu rs nk pegi...mmg akan pegi jgk...
no matter what...kn??
semlm (5Julai...birthday aku gk) dh start the first class...
pegi klas nek bas...jgn x tau...
not bad laa..
lg pon..klas x la jauh sgt...
awal2 klas dh dpt 3 assignment....
arrgghhh....assignment laa...pastuh report x siap lg..(pdn muka...spe soh x wat tyme cuti)
kt dpp..so far blom ada internet...
agk ssh la idop..huhuu...
mgkn akan consider utk menggunakan berukband...mungkin...
then..waktu entri ini ditulis...
aku tgh klas e-learning...
makmal komputer nie best...
internet laju gle..
donload pon kjap je..
then amek kesempatan gk utk donload keje2 yg telah diberikan oleh lecturer phonetics...
So..selama 3 ari kt sni...ok laa...
blom jmpe bnda2 best lg...
Bak kte Azfar..(senior cohort 2)
"Nnt aku bg nsht2 berguna kt hg"
apakah itu??nnt kan la...hahaaa...
hopefully that I can cope with this new environment...
I think that's all kot for now...
mcm dh banyak je bebel...

to be continued......

10:13 PM


Yeah...seems like the holiday is going to end soon...
no more long holidays after this...
weekend tuh ada la kot...
Tadi pagi...
tetbe ada msg masuk dr sorg rakan...
"Elaun dh masuk"
Huh??elaun dh msuk??
Alhamdulillah....finally...masuk gk duet tue...
after for so long I'm waiting (everyone is waiting)..
masuk jgk...thanx to Bezek for informing me..
Phewww...lega la duet dh ada...

klu x..seblom nie...kering je...
dompet pon pnuh ngan habuk je..
klu bukak dompet...berterbangan serangga2 kecik menandakan betapa lama x bukak dompet sbb x dak duet...(amboinya...hyperbole)
So..td pegi la withdraw sket...
then kuar la jenjln kjap...
Bli2 brg sumer...tgk wayang seround...
Then blk umah...
Prepare utk ke UUM la plak...
tah apa plak yg menanti kt sna...
hurmm..apa2 pon...
rs x sabar nk ke sna..
sbb per?
sbb dpt jmpe kwn2...
lme x jmpe diorg...
I do miss them very much~~
Looking forward to seeing u guys in UUM....

Waa...byk nye duet dier....pndi2 ler bajet yer...jgn nnt pas 3 bln...ikat perut...duet x cukup..haha....

The view of dewan MAS...nie la U yg aku nk pegi nnt... :)
p/s: this pics is not mine..download from somewhere...