8:31 PM

Hectic life...packed schedule~~

As the title mentioned above..
my life is very hectic now..
why??because...there's lots of things that I've to do..
For instance..in this new semester..the schedule is very pack...
I dun even hv time to breath...(wah..hyperbole sungguh!!hahaa)
but..it's true...
got lots of assignment..add on with the presentation...
group discussion...ngan quiz nye lg..mne nk study nye...
arrghhh!!life is so miserable...(at this moment)
dgn mcm2 aktiviti nye lg blan 2 nnt...
another replacement class after this holiday..
aktiviti itu...aktiviti ini...
this coming March...there's one big event will take place...
Could u imagine how bz I am??
Hopefully can manage myself well...(surely)

12:25 AM


Hello guys...
just wanna let u guys know that....
from now on...every posting that I've posted...
there'll be "read more" button at the bottom of the post...
if the post is too long...there'll be another page for that post...
those yg tau tue...xpe laaa....
post nie dibuat atas dasar nasihat sorg reader nie....
dier x realize pon ada "read more" tuh...
So guys...harap maklum... -END-

1:00 AM

The best camping eVer Part 2~~

Here...I put some of the pictures during the camp that I've gone through the other day..

This is me after the jungle trekking...at the Lata Mengkuang's Waterfall

Krek..Efa..Miha..Iera n I while in the jungle...SMILE~~

It's just the beginning...before we entered into the jungle...

It's very cold in the water...there's syafiq..mierole..jenna..me..bezek..n oper...

It's me lying on the 'green-thingy'...so tired..

After having lunch...got some nap at the hall...smpi x sedor org amek gmba~~

from the left..Achoy..oper..paan..n me~

Group photo...after finished playing some traditional games...

Exchanging the souvenirs' session...


So called 'national monument'...hahaha....

p/s: kudos to beZek..syaMil..n kak tiKah for the pictures... :) -END-

2:53 PM

Frens...they come n go~~

I dunno how many time I wrote here about fren...
sumtimes feel tired already...
what I want to mention here is...
fren is very2 important...
we are nothing without frens...
once become fren..
always be fren...
fren also be gone forever...
they can dissappear from our life even in a second...
n even it's just like blinking ur eyes...n they are gone...
everything happens has its own reasons...
who knows...the only GOD knows...
maybe the person is not meant to be the fren...
n maybe others would be...
we dun even know...
maybe the things happened because of the stupidness n dumbness n immatureness (ada ke)
nway....thanx 4 being good fren after all...
appreciate things that hv been done before...
all in all...LIFE MUST GO ON!!!! -END-
10:01 PM

The best camping eVer~~

today is monday. yesterday I just arrived from KEDA Resort. Why I'd been there??It's because..there's a camping that was held from Friday to Sunday.. The idea to have a camping was actually from Achoy's..he's the one who's very excited to make the camping become a reality. Finally, after about a month n a half working..we manage to succeed it to the max even though there's quite lots of obstacles along the way to make it real.

We start the camping on the Friday's evening where we departed from institute at about 3.30 p.m. Then we arrived at the KEDA Resort at about 6.00 p.m. The place is very beautiful. It has a very fantastic scenery which made me be very impressed. :) I stayed in the tent with Bezek, Syamil, Jat, Mazhad, Achoy, Weng n Ostat.. The first activity started at 9.00 p.m. which was the cultural performance. each group was given a song and they had to choreograph the dance on their own. It was very happening on that night. I could see that each group put their effort in order to do the performance. The next day, we started the day with Subuh prayer n after that we had the aerobic which was conducted by ME!! After aerobic, we had our breakfast and we were going to start the jungle trekking. The activity was quite challenge as we're going inside the jungle which has quite lots of obstacle. We finished the jungle trekking at about 12.00 p.m. after we were brought to the Lata Mengkuang waterfall. the waterfall is very nice and beautiful. In the afternoon, we had our lunch at the camp side. after eating, we started the 3rd activity which was the Obstacle Course. This activity was conducted by TEYL 3. The activity was really fun and exciting as there were many people couldn't manage to finish the courses. Luckily I managed to pass all of them.. :) After finished the course, we're having time in the river. maen2 air...mmg best r. Enjoy it very much. Then continue playing in the water at the camp side until at about 6.00 p.m. At night, we're having some kind of 'amazing race' activity which was conducted by my class. The activity ran smoothly and all the participant look seems they were enjoying themselves very much. After that, we had some activity which was conducted by the Canadian. (Sarah, Eric, Tanya, Tashia, Jenna and Sharlene) The activity was quite fun even though we didn't know much about Canada when they had some kind of trivia activity about Canada. We enjoyed the night very-very much. on that night, there's not much of people who were willing to sentri as they were tired because of the activity along the day. the next day, I woke up at 6.30 a.m. n after Subuh prayer went back to sleep. Then woke up at 8.oo something n had my breakfast. After breakfast we had the traditional games which was conducted by TEYL 1. We played tuju seliper n galah panjang kontemporari. After that, we had the exchange present session. everybody get some souvenir which is the glass. then, for the last time. kitorg terjun sungai lagi..yer la..kan dh last day. pasnie tah ble lagi la nk datang lagi. At about 12.30 p.m. we packed our things and had our lunch. After prayer, we departed from KEDA n arrived at the institute at about 4.00 p.m. All in all, the camping was really interesting n full of excitement and enjoyment. Thanks to all in making this camping succeeded...Hope that we could have this kind of activity in another time... -END-
10:37 PM

The Beginning of 2009!!!

seems like the beginning of 2009 is not so good...
not so happy...
Byk bnde wat x sdap ati...
x sdap mata memandang...
n mcm2 lg x sdap laa...
Hopefully it wont remain like this
for the rest of the year...
nway...life must go on~~!!! -END-
3:45 PM

The New Year of 2009

Today is the 2nd January...means...now I'm in the new year...
it also means...I'm getting 1 year older this year...
it also means...I'm getting nearer to death...the only God knows...
nway...now I'm at the college...went back yesterday as the lecturer told us that the class will start on the 2nd January...
actually...there's lots of my frens that didn't back here yet...they want to continue their holiday...(x cukup lg ker sebulan lbey cuti???)
then...this morning we had some short briefing by Mdm Ong at the Angsana...she told this and that...can do this and that....can't do this and that....what so ever laa...
the briefing was just about 15 minutes...(rs cm x berbaloi je bgun awal2 pagi...semata2 nk pegi briefing 15 minit...huh!!)
Anyway...enough la kot for this post...
Just wanna wish again to all of u guys...
Happy New Year!!!

p/s:xde azam baru kot for this year...(nway...aku pnah ada azam ker??mcm xde jer...life lbey krg sme je tetiap taun...yg pastinya...aku jd tua tiap taun...) -END- Read More ..
3:11 PM

Tag..tag...tag...taun br dh kne tag!!

Haish....awal2 taun dh kne tag...kot2 la ada yg kasik adiah ke...xpe la gk...nie tag je...x best langsong...nway...since I've been tagged...just do it laa...kang majok plak si Didy tue...eiii...yukkksss~~hahaha....

1. Apakah benda paling penting dlm hidup anda?
ermm...apa ek??tah laa...ibu bapa dan keluarga...serta rakan-rakan dan tau lan kot...

2. Apakah benda terakhir yang kamu beli dengan wang sendiri?
bli nasi goreng kot...kt Recsam...boh telor mata skali...haa...lpas tuh bli air kotak oren kt One Stop plak...

3. Di manakah tempat impian perkahwinan kamu??
Tak tau laa...x penah pk wat mse nie...

4. Berapa lama anda rasa hubungan anda kekal?
Hubungan apekah??hubungan kekeluargaan?hubungan kwn2?hubungan silaturrahim?mahupun Hubungan Etnik??sila spesifik kn soalan...Terima Kasih

5. Adakah anda dilamun cinta?
As for now...blom lg.. :)

6. Di manakah restoran terakhir anda makan malam?
Restoran Nasi Kandar Pelita di Tesco Pulau Pinang....makanan nye sggh la mhl...huhu...

7. Namakan buku terakhir yg anda beli
Ermmm...tak ingat laa...dh lme x bli buku...rs nye...buku titas kot...sem lepas...tue pon bkan beli..photostat je...

8. Apakah nama penuh anda?
Mohd Izwan Bin Abdul Rashid...tnk jd cm 'org tue'...mak ayah bg nama elok2..siap nk tuka2 plak...walopon itu sekadar berangan...jgn mare~~ahaks

9. Anda lebih senang dengan mak atau bapak?

10. Namakan seseorang yang anda ingin jumpa untuk kali pertamanya dalam hidup anda
Junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w...

11. Sebutkan 8 sahabat yang paling rapat dengan anda
ramai sebenarnye...lbey dr 8...so..x yah senarai la kot...

12. Adakah anda mencuci pakaian sendiri?
For sure laa...kdg2 jer anta dobi sbb mls nk basoh...

13. Tempat paling seronok yang anda mahu pergi
banyak tempat...x cukup space kalo senaraikan...

14. Pelukan atau ciuman?
I would prefer ciuman...hahaha...boley x sy ckp sy pnah kne cium?hahaha....

15. Butirkan 5 tentang orang yang tag anda
'mak cik'...suka ngomel...pandai...dh tatau nk kte per...

16. 8 perkara yang amat saya gilai buat masa ini
sy x menggilai apa2 buat masa ini...

17. 8 perkara yang sering diucapkan
hurrmmm...pnat r asyik nk kne tulis 8 jer...soh wat sket2 dh laa...

18. 8 buah buku yang terbaru anda baca
jarang membaca buku sebenarnya...nk exam je bc buku....reader's difest tuh kdg2 r bc...ikot article di dlmnye...klu menarik bc r... :)

19. 10 lagu yang saya boleh dengar berulang kali
tnk jwb! byk sgt!

20. 8 perkara yang saya pelajari tahun lalu
persahabatan...pengorbanan...perasaan...Titas...Sejarah dan falsafah pendidikan...Sosiologi pendidikan...Literature...Linguistics....

21. Mari men'tag 3 orang lain
Mat Spawn...sorg dh la kot...