10:43 AM

Holiday....it comes to the end!!

After about a month and a half of holiday....finally it comes to the end...in 2 days...I'll be back to the institute...coz the class will start definately on the 2nd of january...(what the heck!) actually...I'm quite sad by the end of this holiday...because no more holiday for me after this...what is waiting for me next??who knows...the only God knows...but..I'm happy too...why??because...I can meet my frens..after about a month didn't meet them...I'm going to meet them soon...I really miss them so much...especially my classmates... :) lme dh x borak ngan korg...especially the girl...since the study week started...we didnt hv much time together...utk borak2...bergelak ketawa....miss that moment so much~~ The next sem...I've to buck up my studies...(chewah~~) even though the last sem's result is acceptable...it would not be the reason for me for not studying hard...Act..I'm not a study-kind-of-person...maybe I was just lucky of getting that...so..after this...no more maen2...no more gelak2 yg over....I've to be a bit serious...(why so serious???) hahaha....no laa...I'll just be who am I and I'm happy to live like this... :)
Nway...Selamat Tahun Baru Hijrah 1430....n Happy new Year 2009...
8:32 PM


Just now...I saw in the news...(Buletin Utama) about this....
it was a very stupid person...wat else I can say bout that person...
Ya'll can see here 
Aku harap la sgt2...org tuh insaf....
atas segala apa yg dia dh buat.....Na'uzubillah...
Bertaubat laa.....sementara masa masih ada...
Aku doakan hati org tuh terbukak dan terima hidayah daripada Allah S.W.T....
Allah itu Maha Pengampun....
9:18 PM

One night vacation in "Hospital Villa"

Yesterday...I spent one night at the hospital...
Am I sick??what's wrong with me??
nothing...I'm just fine...I'm still in a good health...(alhamdulillah)
I went there to take care of my Tok Wan...
he was sick...he collapsed while on the motorcycle...
the he was admitted to the ward due to the high BP...
The night before...my cousin who the one took care of Tok Wan...
yesterday is my turn...
So...I went to the 'villa' at 7.30 p.m...
n start my 'job'...
It was very bored for just sitting there...did nothing...huhuhu...
luckily I brought 2 reader's digest (wah...rjn!!)
so..read the book...after finished one...took another n read...
At about 10.00 p.m...finished read the book (tp x bc sumer laa...mne larat!)
beside at the certain time...took Tok Wan to the toilet...
quite many time at that night...(biasa la..org berumur) 
then..I listened to the radio using my handphone...
At the same time...'sms'ed some of my friends....(it's so bored)
12.00 a.m...the nurse switched off the lights...gosh!
To avoid of becoming sleepy...I walked around from one bed to another in the 'villa'...
It's so sad to see how old people suffer of many kind of diseases...huhuhu...(a lil bit insaf)
At about 3.00 a.m..I went to Tok Wan's bed n slept...couldn't hold anymore...
Sometime Tok Wan woke me up to accompany him to the toilet...
The next day...I woke up at 6.00 a.m..
Mak Long came at 10.00 a.m so that I could go home....
Nway...It was a very 'wonderful' experience spending time in 'Hospital Villa'
Do u wanna try??
I assure that u would be happy n tahnkful for what u've had now... :)
3:12 PM

Today is The Day!!!

When I first saw the clock on my phone...
it was 8.30 a.m...n I woke up n went to bath room...
pas gosok gigi sumer...pegi on laptop...
I can feel that today id the day....
in addition...last nite mimpi...(siap termimpi2) that..today is the day...
Day of what??
the Day that I've been waiting for sooo long....
haa...today...the result will be announced...
then...after dh connect internet...
went into the portal site n login...
then..I clicked at the exam result icon...
Then...The result was in front of my eyes...
Huh???Really??I get that??
Am I dreaming??(smbl tampar2 pipi n genyeh2 mata)
No...I'm not...It's real...
Alhamdulillah....I didn't aspect for that...
Nway...congratz to myself for achieving that result...
have to make sure that the result would be better next time...or at least maintain it...
Last but not least...congratz to all my frens too....
See u guys next year....
12:30 AM

Friends....come n go~~

Here again...I wrote about friend...I think...before this...months before...I've written about this topic also....Why??I don't know the answer...It simply came across my mind just now to write about this...Friend....I've lots of friends...From my kindergarden...primary school...secondary school...matriculation centre...n now college...there are many friends that I have...If I list down all the names...10 pages couldn't be enough...but...since now is a holiday...I didn't meet my friends (college)..for another friends...it quite long for not seeing them...especially primary school (for sure)...I really2 miss my friends of secondary school...there's much of experience that we shared...many situations that we faced...and other things...Yes...it's true...Friends come...and they go...As for now...I felt like all my friends are trying to run away from me...they try to avoid me...I dunno why...Am I doing something wrong with you??Are you feeling hurt with me??Do you feel annoyed with me??Maybe if I asked...they would just answer....No..You're not...You're ok...You didn't do anything wrong...If I do...just tell me the truth...it's ok...I'll accept it...I know...I'm not GOD...there's nothing in the world is The Most Perfect except GOD....everyone does mistakes...and mistakes should be forgiven...Anyway...thanks to all of you guys for being my friends...Forgive me for things that have hurt you guys as I'm still here...Don't feel sorry or sad when you are searching for me and I'm not there anymore....(maybe some other person would be happy) Read More ..
10:31 AM

Tagged by Mat Spawn

Since I've been tagged by him...I'll do this..
Another thing is...
because I got nothing to do.. :D

He wrote that all the questions should be answered with 7 answers...
but he decided to go on 5...
then...I'll answer 5 too.... :D

1. 5 ciri wanita/lelaki idaman anda:

- Pandai amek ati
- Peramah...boleh bwk2 bersembang
- Baik ati (cm common jer... =P )
- Boleh memasak (x kre msk air pon boley...asal boley..hahaha)
- Boleh terima aku seadanya

2. 5 wanita/lelaki yang tak pernah anda minati sepanjang hidup:

- Selekeh
- Perlakuan x sopan
- Tak pandai jaga mulut
- Suka buat sakit ati
- Bajet cun...wakaka

3. 5 perasaan anda sekiranya keluar dgn org yg diminati:

- A bit nervous kot...
- Ala2 shy2 cat...hahaha
- Gumbira
- Cool
- Dunno how to describe...hehehe

4. 5 tempat istimewa yg ingin dilawati bersama pasangan anda:

- Paris
- Sydney
- Korea
- Pulau-pulau indah
- Tepi pantai??

5. 5 barangan/sesuatu istimewa yang akan anda hadiahkan kepada Si Dia:

- Teddy bear beso
- Baju-bajuan
- Perfume
- Cincin??
- Nk bg HATI?? hahaa

6. 5 Tajuk lagu yang akan anda nyanyikan untuk pasangan anda:

- Stay With Me:Finch
- My Love: Justin Timberlake
- Aku Cinta Padamu:Datuk Siti Nurhaliza :D
- Let's Dance Together:Melly...jom nari! =P
- Lagu Negaraku...hahaha

7. Rakan yang anda tag dan mahu mereka buat 5 perihal ini. WAJIB!!!Mereka perlu diberitahu akan hal ini:

- Emberg
- Iera
- Hamidi
- Pikah
- Azwan
9:42 AM


Yesterday (6.12.2008) I went to Penang...went there for PC Fair...need to do something wif my printer...so...went there with mom n lil bro at about 12.30 p.m...there's quite heavy traffic jam on the way to Penang...Stucked quite long on the bridge....there's hundreds of cars there...aiiyooo~~
Then I arrived at the PC Fair at 2.15 p.m..wat a long journey...huhuhu...it should take about 45 minutes to reach there...then...I walked round and round...and I found booth that provided the service to put the tank to the printer...so..I went down to the car and took my printer and brought back to the booth...after finished...we went to Queensbay for praying and has our lunch there...
After lunch...went to Sg. Nibong...PESTA PENANG 2008....
but I think this year is not so much excitement compare to the previous year...
I went to fish spa there...it's so interesting...
after that...went to Euro Fun Park....
My brother and I rode Vortex....it would make ur adrenalin comes to the Max...seriously...I wont ride it anymore...Dh serik beb~~hahaha....
then...we rode the Challenger...not exactly as its name...it was not so challenging...hahaha...
maybe because we rode the Vortex before...
after that we had our dinner and went home...
That night...I suffered headache because of the Vortex and also the Challenger....

This is the Challenger

This is the Vortex....

Fish Spa....

My printer....yeaaa...it's in a good condition already.... :) -END-