8:25 PM

Hari Raya~~

Ari Rabu nie...(lusa) dah raya...
so..dikesempatan nie...
aku nk ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri...
Maaf Zahir dan Batin...
klu aku penah wat salah ngan silap kt spe2 tuh...
maafkan lah yer...aku hanya insan yang lemah...
yang x lari dr melakukan kesilapan dan kesalahan...
kpd rakan yg x leh nk sambut hari raya..(empunya diri tau sapekah die)
bersabar la yer....hadapi dugaan dgn tabah... :D
And I also want to wish Happy Hari Raya to all the Muslims of all around the world...
may this Hari Raya brings the happiness and joyness to all of u...

Sepuluh jari disusun...
dipohon ampun dan maaf dari ujong rambut sampai ujong kaki..


ikhlas dari,
Mohd Izwan b Abdul Rashid
5:51 AM

Shopping Raya Part 2~

For today's post...just wanna continue the previous post...it's about shopping too...
Here are those things that I bought during I did my shopping at Queensbay Mall...

PDI's Khakis Long Pants...it costs about RM 3+.++

PDI JEANS SHIRT...it costs about RM 2+.++

Google's Shirt....it costs about RM 1+.++ (murah jer)

Renoma's Shirt...cost RM 3+.++...

B.U.M.'s Sweater...cost about RM 4+.++

NORTICA Outdoor Shoes...cost about RM 5+.++

Cant remember the brand...gave to my friend as his birthday present...surely more than 20 but less than 50... :D

All those things cost me about RM 250.00...it's quite large amount for me...maybe it's not for others...but..I dont really mind...because...I just did the shopping once or twice a year as I told in the previous post...hehehe...so..I'll wear all those new things during this Raya... :D

6:09 PM

Shopping Raya Part 1

Yesterday...after class...I went to Queensbay...did some SHOPPING!!! It was amazing...hahaha...at the first moment I arrived there..I was quite blur and dunno what to buy...then..I went round...and round...and round of the Qb...lastly...after Asar prayer...(I went there at 3.00 p.m) I started to buy things..first..I went to PDI...I bought a long khakis pant and a t-shirt....then...I went to Jucso...bought a shirt...and so on n so forth...I bought quite many things yesterday...but...I'm not a SHOPAHOLIC kind of person... :D I just go for shopping once or twice a year...(I'm a wise spender rite??hahaha) then after bukak puasa n solat maghrib...I went back to institute...I was an owesome experience...chewahh...hahaha...really satisfied with what I've done....:D Read More ..
9:26 PM

The miserable day ended....~for this moment~

Finally, the hectic and miserable day has ended....i'm so happy now...all the assignment have been finished...Esei Falsafah...Jurnal Falsafah...LINGUISTICS (finished at 2.30 p.m. today).....YEAAAHHH!!!Finally I managed to finish it...Lega la sgt2....bley la enjoy sket...no more head-ache...I can leave all the works at this moment for a while...just want to rest and relax...last night...our class just finished the poem presentation...we had to recite and act according to the poem that we have learnt...my group (me, kak ain, nuga n nik) chose to do "The Road Not Taken"...the acting n recitation was good...congratz guys...n me too...hehehee...then...tomorrow, I've planned to go to Qb...go for SHOPPING!!!waa...it's quite long I'm not going for shopping after I'd been shopping last year for Hari Raya...do know what to write anymore...continue later~~~ Read More ..
4:51 PM


semuanya adalah sama...semua nya adalah insan yang berada hampir kepada kita...
aku..aku juga punya sahabat...rakan...teman...dan sebagainya...
aku terbaca satu blog...tentang kawan...
lpas bc...hati aku tergerak...
kawan yang aku ada selama nie...benar2 kawan ke??
diorg mungkin boleh je ngaku...'aku kwn hg...aku bespren hg..'
tp..sumer tuh btol ke??
bkan niat aku nk persoalkan nilai persahabatan tue...
tp..itu lah realiti....
kdg2...kawan yg kita ada tue...x kn selalu berada dgn kita....
kwn yg slalu bergelak ketawa bersama...x selalu akan menangis bersama...
tetapi bukan semua...ada jgk yg masih setia menemani walaupun ketika diperlukan...
sepjg idop aku...byk jenis kwn aku pnah jmpe...
x pyh la kot nk senarai sumer...
yg pstinya...mmg wujud kawan yg hanya nk menggunakan kita untuk tujuan tertentu...
aku x nafikan...hidup ini mmg saling bergantungan...cam simbiosis...
tp..kekdg tuh...it's t0o much I think...just for their own sake and benefits...
mcm ada dlm satu poem tue...lbey kurang cmnie bunyinya...
"while his right hand shakes ur hand...the left hand goes into ur left pocket"
ssh...ssh...mmg ssh nk cr kwn yg btol2 kwn...
tp...x mustahil...dan ia mmg ada....
klu nk cr yg perfect...mmg ssh laa...cm mustahil je sumer perfect...
melainkan Dia, ALLAH Yang Maha Sempurna....
so...at least ada la kwn yg jd teman ketika gembira...sedih dan apa juga situasi...
aku x mntk dia dpt bersama utk tiap waktu..tp at least kebykn waktu...
aku klu boleh...nk jer kwn ngan sumer....
tnk la ada gaduh2 nie...biar baek jer ngan sumer org....
x salah kn??bahkan...aku rs..baek per jd cmtuh....
idop baek jer ngan sumer org...x pyh gaduh2...
tp..klu stakat sikit2 tuh...nk wat mcm mana...x boleh nk elak la...
lg pon...kita suma insan yg lemah...x lari dr lakukan kesilapan...yer tak??
bila dh baek ngan sumer org nie...terpk gk aku...
"diorg nie btol2 ker baek ngan aku??ataupun nie sumer hanya lakonan dunia semata2??"
klu sumer nye ikhlas...xpe laa...
bkan per...aku pon rsau gk...
aku nie pon...bkan la org yg baek...mgkn la x dpt nk puas kn ati sumer...
tp...aku rs...stakat nie...xde la kot aku nk cari pasal ngan org laen...
org yg cr psl ngan aku...ada la kot...tp xpe...
aku maafkan...aku bkan jns org yg menyimpan dendam or nk terasa ati lama2...
x bwk faedah pon nk simpan lama2...bg lg saket ada laa...
drpd derita cmtuh...baek buang je...kn??
As for 20 years I've been living in this world...
I make many friends....with different background...
and so many other different laa...
at least...aku knal la serba serbi kwn mna yg boley bwk ketawa sama2...nanges sama2....
sbb...yg rmi nya...just boleh gelak ketawa sama2....bila bab nanges...sume ilang....(tau la nk jaga pride...tp bkan nanges kuar air mata je maksud aku...byk hal lain lg)
Apa2 pon....
I'm really aprreciate those who are willing to be my friends....
Thanks guys for being with me... :)
10:56 PM


Arrgghhh.....I've to do so many things....assignments....study for the quizes....preapre for the presentation....there're lot...tomorrow I've to submit socio's assignment...and also have to seat for socio's quiz...then next week...must start with hte linguistic's assignment...have to submit in the following week...presentation for linguistic might be this coming monday too....literature...study the poem...I also have to prepare for falsafah's presentation...and TITAS also...waaaaaa......there're so many things....GOD....help me....ARRGGGHHHHHHHH.....LIFE IS MISERABLE!!!! Read More ..